David Anthony Wiggins©

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 In 1571 John Olgilby’s “America” depicts the Aboriginal American Negroes of North, South, and Central America.


Most so-called “African-Americans are in fact misidentified Aboriginal American Negroes whose lands were distributed to whites as the result of the Homestead Act of 1867.


In August of 2016 the United States Department of Justice detailed the systemic unconstitutional policies and practices of the Baltimore Police Department and subsequently entered into a Consent Decree with the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and the Baltimore Police Department which is an Agency of the State of Maryland.

My thoughts on the issue were registered and as a result the DOJ launched investigations into the BPD and Elected Official Corruption that led to convictions of the Gun Trace Task Force and several local elected officials including a Mayor and Police Chief in federal court.

All of the above culminated in the murder of Detective Sean M. Suiter, and its official cover up by Larry Hogan, the FBI, the Maryland State Police, the Baltimore Police, the Mayor  City and City Council of Baltimore, and the major print and broadcast media outlets in the city.